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Staff Spotlight: 15 Questions with Daniel Aguirre

This month we have a Staff Spotlight on Daniel Aguirre, our Director of Operations.  Daniel is celebrating his 20th Anniversary with El Paso Saddleblanket and he is our first staff member to complete our new series Staff Spotlight: 15 Questions with EPSB.

So let's get started!

Daniel Aguirre, Director of Operations


1. Where are you originally from?

I'm originally from El Paso, Texas.

2. Briefly describe a day at work.

It starts with either a cup of coffee or tea, and maybe a doughnut, if we're lucky.  After the formalities I coordinate with coworkers then fire up the computer and answer emails, phone calls, set up the weekly newsletters, get new packages up on the site, and consult with potential customers. Usually have a late lunch and then end the day with needed reports.  

3. What do you like most about your job?

The characters that I work with.

4. What does your work space look like?

It looks like someone mistaken my desk for a wastepaper basket.  But with disorder comes order, creativity and profit.

5. What's your proudest moment working for El Paso Saddleblanket?

When a long time customer personally called me and thanked me for helping them in the beginning when they were starting their business.

6. Before working here, what was the most interesting job you've ever had?

I worked for a company that was a combination of camping and surplus store. We used to supply the Mexican military and National Geographic Mountain Climbers with equipment that was above and beyond what the boy scouts used.

7. Tell us a little bit about your family.

I come from a family of six and I have three children.

8. Tell us something about yourself that most people don't know.

I like tinkering with computers and exploring the world of astronomy.

9. Do you have a motto or personal mantra?

Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.

10. Three words to best describe you.

Friendly, considerate, easy-going

11. If you could do another job just for one day, what would it be?


12. What is your biggest pet peeve?

When someone leaves an empty gallon of milk or an empty waffle box in the fridge.

13. What is number one on your bucket list?

Fishing salmon in Alaska.

14. What is the one thing you can't live without?

A big juicy steak with shrimp.

15. Finish this sentence: You're happiest when...

I get home and the dishes are clean.


We would like to once again congratulate Daniel on his 20th Anniversary and thank him for all of his hard work over the years!  Cheers to many more!  

If you would like some information on our new products or would like to place an order, go ahead and give Daniel a call at 1.800.652.9170, he'll be happy to help!  

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